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Ostriches on the Coolsingel


director: Peter Sonneveld

theatre groupe: Theaterbedrijf Bonheur

role: Cato

In 2005, Theatergroep Bonheur released the play “Struisvogels op de Coolsingel” (Ostriches on the Coolsingel). The play, awarded the prestigious language Union Stage write rate, is a montage of seven monologues written by Anna Enquist, Antoine Uitdehaag and Anne Vegter. They bring seven people who perished in the Rotterdam bombing of World War II back to life. “In the intimacy of the hour of their death their personal story gets to be heard once more... about the memory of that one fateful day that the city of Rotterdam and the lives of the people that lived there would be forever changed


In two of the monologues the story depicts two young lovers during the battle of Rotterdam in 1940. Cato wanders desperately through the streets looking for her Leendert while German artillery shells rain down upon the city. She had an appointment with her Leendert, but he has not shown up. When it is her turn to relate her story, we understand why…


written by: Anna Enquist, Antoine Uitdehaag, Anne Vegter

cast: Titus Boonstra, Martine Crefcoeur, Ruurt De Maesschalck, Sarah Jonker, Paul Röttger, Nard Verdonschot and Jessica Zeylmaker

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